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BHGE changes its name to Baker Hughes Company
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BHGE Announces Closing of Secondary Offering by GE and its Share Repurchase
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BHGE Awarded Contract and Granted Notice to Proceed by Venture Global LNG for Calcasieu Pass Project
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We are BHGE, the world's first and only fullstream company
Only BHGE has a fullstream capability: the portfolio, the technology and the people to radically transform the oil and gas industry and deliver unparalleled improvement in industrial yield for our customers. From reservoir to refinery, from the depths of the sea to the cloud. We are fullstream.
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Portfolio and Technology
Working with our customers to increase productivity, optimize their operations and reduce total cost of ownership through game-changing technology, services and innovative collaborative commercial models.
Using the power of digital capabilities to create radical efficiencies and achieve a step-change in performance for the oil and gas industry.
Brilliant People
Combining our 125-year-old history of invention with the mindset of a start-up. We develop and build local capability inside a global footprint.
No other company brings together capabilities across the full value chain of oil and gas activities—from upstream to midstream to downstream. This portfolio positions BHGE to create new sources of value, improving productivity and project economics through integrated equipment and service offerings.
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领券立减200 华硕AC双频高端路由聚惠京东618 - huanqiu.com:2021-6-18 · 为带给网民真正的实惠,即日起至6月22日,华硕网络携旗下RT-AC87U、RT-AC68U、RT-AC66U、RT-AC55U等AC双频高端无线路由器产品聚"惠"京东电商平台,领券立减50-200,彻底击穿底价。如果你觊觎华硕网络产品已久,却一直没有下单。那么,千万不要
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With decades of experience in equipment and services for LNG and pipeline, BHGE is driving productivity up and costs down with unique fullstream capability.
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Completing the fullstream capability, BHGE helps enable greater efficiency, reliability and process safety for refinery and petrochemical plants through chemical, mechanical, digital and service solutions.
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No other company brings together capabilities across the full value chain of oil and gas activities—from upstream to midstream to downstream. This portfolio positions BHGE to create new sources of value, improving productivity and project economics through integrated equipment and service offerings. -
Producing the lowest cost-per-barrel requires proven technology and expertise to get the most from evaluation, drilling, completions and production operations. BHGE's breadth of expertise can help you get more from your upstream operations. -
无人火锅餐厅获两项专利 送餐机器人也“失业” - huanqiu.com:2021-4-24 · 无人火锅餐厅一出,连送餐机器人也“失业”了;4D超导锅具,热传递效率提升7%伡上;只有5.3厘米长的打蛋器,是设计师画了七八款样式后的成果 ... -
Completing the fullstream capability, BHGE helps enable greater efficiency, reliability and process safety for refinery and petrochemical plants through chemical, mechanical, digital and service solutions.
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Upstream Midstream Downstream Industrial Digital网易云信推智慧IM云架构,支持千万级高并发 - huanqiu.com:2021-12-2 · 网易云信提供了多层的加速节点,大幅提升连接的稳定性和速度。 通过伢化,客户端到IDC中心的速度从之前的500+ms锐减至200ms,实现提速60%。
GE is a trademark of General Electric Company. Used under trademark license.